Annual Fee: $456.00 per lot
Payment breakdown:
Amount Payment Due Date
$456.00 January 1
$228.00 January 1 and July 1
$114.00 January 1, April 1, July 1, October 1
$38.00 First day of every month
When you purchase property in Linn Valley Lakes you automatically become a member of the Property Owners Association and are obligated to pay assessments.
The POA uses the annual assessments to keep your amenities in the best working condition that we can. These amenities include, but not limited to, the pools, mini golf course, horseshoe pits, tennis court, basketball court, sand volleyball, the beach and the play areas, the Community Center, the Clubhouse, bathhouses, campground, Golf Course, Golf Course equipment, Restaurant, Pro Shop, and the insurance that covers all of those common properties. The employees that work to keep these areas in working condition require wages, insurance, and work comp insurance. The assessments also pay for all the water and sewer trucks general maintenance, mowers, and maintenance equipment, trucks and their insurance, general maintenance, and fuel/oil. All the roads and the gate are maintained by the assessments. They also take care of the buoys on the lakes, the fish stocking, fish feeders and public docks.
Property Owners have the option to pay annually (due January 1), semi-annually (due January 1 and July 1), quarterly (due January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1), or monthly (due on the first day of every month). Any account that is 30 days past due will have their access cards turned off, 60 days past due may be turned over to collections and a 30% fee will be added.
The Board of Directors encourages anyone with any questions or concerns to attend the monthly Board of Directors meetings that are held the third Saturday of every month in the Clubhouse at 9:00am.
Non-Payment of Assessment
The consequence of non-payment of POA assessments is outlined in our
Covenants and Restrictions,
Bylaws and policies established by the Board of Directors. Any account that is 60 days past due may be turned over for collection. Fees charged by the collection agency will be added to the amount owed the association for assessments. Any account that is one year past due may be subject to foreclosure litigation.
Gate Policy
The Board of Directors hereby adopts a policy that gate passes of members of Linn Valley Lakes Property Owners Association who are delinquent in assessments shall be deactivated as soon as possible by the General Manager of the Association. Members who have had their gate passes deactivated will still have access to their private lots by walking across the common properties owned by the Association. This policy is based on the fact that the operation of the gate and the maintenance of the roads are financed by assessments paid by members. The gate and the roads are common properties owned by the Association. The Association has the right to adopt rules and regulations regarding the use of common properties by members. Assessments are due the first of each month and will be considered delinquent if not paid by the last day of the month.